Saturday, November 14, 2009

Illustration Friday Topic: Unbalanced

This IF topic could not have come at a more appropriate time... 
as I am completely feeling totally UnBaLaNCed at this given moment!  

Here's an old sketch that definitely lends itself to my definition of Unbalanced!!!   

Thanks for taking the time!

xoxo - Kim


Marci Hersel said...

Perfectly unbalanced! Adorable illustration!

TJ Lubrano said...

Very cute! You perfectly captured the being unbalanced part ^_^

LadyTulip said...

Great illustration! - Looks like a normal day around my house!!


Shirley said...

Great illustration! Totally captures that unbalanced feeling.

indigene said...

I love the energy and the facial expression!

Ann Pilicer said...

Perfect sketch! Wonderful use of color.:) Certainly has the feel of unbalanced.

Unknown said...

Most defintaly ! I am about to start my IF peice. HMMMM a self portait perhaps?!