Monday, October 5, 2009

sWeeT tWeeT

Lately I've been feeling blah... going through a bit a of a creative block...
then a little bird pecked me on the head and told me to Knock It Off.
Thanks for the positive tweets KJB :)
- Kim xoxox


Unknown said...

lovely colors!!!!!

lori vliegen said...

ugh....creative blocks are the worst!! so glad that you've got that little birdie pecking at your head....she's awfully cute! :))

Anonymous said...

so sweet!Love the birdies!! Oh, thanks for the Natalie Merchant, one of my faves...

Jeanne said...

Love your blog! ♥ ANd love this 'tweet' painting. :0)
Stop by my blog - I have an award for you.

Julissa Mora said...

I love all the patterns and the background has so much texture and color! Beautiful!!! Keep on creating and try to ignore the that even possible? hehe! :)

TJ Lubrano said...


I'm happy that you're feeling better! Creative blocks are really annoying...BUT! sometimes your comeback is simply amazing and when the block passes you have the most lovely ideas! So it can be good in a weird way haha